40 Days of Gratitude

So for Lent, along with abstaining from a few things, I am participating in 40 Days of Gratitude with Glennon over at Momastery. A thankful heart breeds gratitude, so for the next 40 days I am keeping a journal and every night I am going to write down three things I am thankful for. Glennon is going to daily share one from her list and I thought I would do the same here.

So, 40 Days of Gratitude – Day 1

I am thankful for a messy house, because it means that I share that messy house with people that I love. I care more about spending my precious time with those people than scrubbing my baseboards. One day I will have a spotless house, for now I have babies and I will hold them.

What about you? What are you grateful for today?

Until next time,


Around here…

Been busy and chaotic and tragic around here lately. We lost another young family member this week and I missed wordless Wednesday.

What’s been going on around here:






It’s been cold and we’ve had lots of snuggles. I don’t ever want to drop the girls off at school but that morning was extra hard. Adam loves his girls.

Suicide sucks. I don’t ever think I’ll understand what would drive somebody to that. I know that our family is in shock and pain to be going through this again just three short years later.

Hug your babies. Remember that God is good. All the time. Always.

I mustache you a question…WW

Wow, it’s been a month since I’ve posted. I took a partial hiatus from the digital world. It was all becoming too much of a distraction and time suck. I say partial because I spend 99% of my time at work online. I also still religiously check my phone for work emails, so in order to completely unplug I would really need to take a vacation with no WiFi. Which really isn’t a bad idea.

So here’s a little of what’s been going on around here:

1. Fun on the Farm

2.This is a pony, right?

3.Where's my arm?!

4.I mustache you a question...

5.Me, too!

6.Updated selfie

7.Oh, how I'll miss his grainy photos.

8.Sissy likes to help!

1. We went to a birthday party that had a pony. A PONY, y’all. You know what this means for Scarlett’s birthday party expectations right?!

2. Sissy likes riding the dog. She must think she has her own personal pony. I feel sorry for Dexter when she starts to out weigh him.

3. We freaked some people out with Scarlett’s missing arm.

4. Scarlett, mustache you a question.

5. And Savannah, too.

6. Updated selfie. 🙂

7. Adam got rid of his phone. Oh, how I will miss his grainy photos. lol

8. Savannah loves the swifter. I took the middle piece out of it to make is shorter and let her go at it.

Hopefully, I keep at it. Until next time,

♥ J

Linking up here:

In the Moment with Sarah Halstead
Come join us! ♥

How Time Flies

I know this is said all the time, but it seems that we never REALLY know how it feels until we have children. Time really does fly. We were at my in-law’s house over the weekend and I found these gems.

Sweet Savannah


It’s hard to believe that Savannah was ever that little, even if it was only a few months ago.  Also, Scarlett loves sharing her stickers if your wondering about her leg. 🙂

Scarlett loves having tea parties, but she also has a hard time sharing with Savannah. It’s the age and I know she will grow out it, but I was surprised to find these photos of them “having tea”.

Tea's ready!

Here have a cup.

Spot of tea?I do love how much Scarlett cares for Savannah, even if she doesn’t like to share. I hope that they will be close, I always wanted a sister growing up.

IMG_1015Scarlett started sleeping in her big bed last week. It’s bitter sweet to walk into Savannah’s room and see the empty toddler bed there. I think it took Savannah a couple of nights to get used to not having her sister there with her. My, these littles are just growing way too fast.


Up next…potty training. I keep praying that maybe it will click, and one day it will just happen. I know she understands the concept she just has no interest in it. I’m to the point that we might just have to stay home for three days straight and wear nothing all weekend…no diapers, no pullups, no panties. Maybe after a few accidents she will get it. I’ve tried to explain that she can’t move up the the big kid class until she uses the potty, but I guess she’s content to stay where she is.

Until next time,

J ♥


Whirlwind and Topsy Turvy

A few days ago I was  laying in bed listening to the baby cry over the monitor wondering how long I would have to *act* like I was asleep so Adam would get up with her. As I was trying to fake my perfect snore I thought back to the time before children. The Saturday (and Sunday for that matter) mornings when we slept until 10 or even “laid” in bed all day. When our mornings didn’t revolve around Mickey Mouse or sippy cups, and our plans didn’t have to be made around nap times. We could go to the grocery store whenever we wanted without the worry that someone would throw a screaming tantrum in the middle of the store (unless of course they didn’t have my wine in stock). I wondered how our lives would be if we had never had children.

Adam and I had a whirlwind courtship. I knew he was the man I was supposed to marry on our first date. We dated for six months before we got engaged and a year later were married. We discussed starting a family but I had been told that I might not be able to conceive because of issues I had had in the past. We decided that just wasn’t what we had planned for our lives. We were going to travel, and spoil our dogs, and enjoy each other.

A month after our first anniversary I found out I was pregnant. I cried. Not because I was happy, but because I didn’t know what Adam would say. This wasn’t what we had planned, how were we going to afford this. Our world was topsy turvy, upside down. My initial shock only lasted a few days, soon I was over the moon for this little life growing inside of me. It took Adam longer to warm up to the idea. I think he mourned longer for the life that we had planned, the one that flew out the window with two little pink lines.

We finally started to settle somewhat into our new life, and a month after Scarlett’s first birthday I found out I was pregnant again. Adam’s first response was “Again?”. Seriously. I cried again, because, how were we going to afford this, this isn’t in our new plan and the new feeling of how can I love another as much as the first. When she came I knew the answer. Your love as a mother, as a parent, doesn’t divide with each child, it multiplies.

We’ve had a crazy year. Again we are starting to settle into our new life as a family of 4. But on this particular morning, the monotony of it all came crashing down on me and I began to wonder what our lives would be like if we didn’t have these girls. No sippy cups or bottles, no cartoons or tea parties, no waking up at the crack of dawn every single day. To go and do as we please. Then, in the middle of my daydream of vacationing in Italy, I hear Adam come back into the bedroom and I roll over and see this face.


And shortly after this one crawls up in the bed.


All my thoughts are washed away. I think to myself “You big idiot!”. This may not be the life we planned, but nothing ever goes as planned. Some of the best adventures are the ones you never expected. We may not travel as much as we would like or get to sleep late on the weekends, we may be on the fast train to the terrorist threes, but our lives are just the way they are meant to be. Perfect.

J ♥

Through and through (WW#3)

She is a Kent though and through…

Beautiful Helper

When I posted this on FB the other day, it asked me if I wanted to tag myself. She is my clone.

Jess circa 1985

Jess circa 1985

She is a Gibson through and through…


This photo take by Tracy McDaniel Photography. Check her out here and here, she’s AMAZING!

She looks so much like Adam.

Adam circa...well he won't let me tell you ;)

Adam circa…well he won’t let me tell you 😉

It’s crazy how different and how much alike they look. Despite the comparison photos they are a perfect blend of both of us. 🙂 Love my sweet girls.

Happy Wednesday y’all.


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and here today:

In the Moment with Sarah Halstead
Come join us! ♥